What is Rayid Flower Jewel Stream Shaker Myers-Briggs Links

The Jewel Type

The presence of color flecks in the iris indicates a thinking-oriented, analytical person. These color spots, which can be range from yellow to red to brown, are referred to as jewels, and this mental type of person is referred to as a Jewel. Mental types direct their perceptions and feelings through internal thought and analysis. Every person thinks, and every person analyzes, but for Jewels these are recognizably their dominant personality characteristics.

Brown or gold flecks in an iris also indicate that the person has a tendency to take information in visually. This is the Jewel's primary mode of learning. Jewels like to watch, read and observe. They take information in through their eyes, process it, categorize it, name it, think of it and then explain it verbally. They are usually precise, verbal communicators. In other words, Jewels respond well to visual impression, while being adept at verbal (auditory) expression. The Jewel temperament is perceptive and inquisitive. Introverted (inner-directed) Jewels can be quite withdrawn, while the extroverted (outer-directed) Jewel is more focused on external details. With a one-pointed, intense nature, the Jewel mind can enter the minute corners of human imagination, or spend hours examining the colors of a butterfly's wing. They love detail.

Jewels tend to control themselves, situations and other people. They like to tell people what to do. They generally show little emotion and use few, pointed gestures. Analysis and feeling are superficially mutually exclusive: Jewels are overtly very analytical and their feelings, which are actually as deep as anyone's, are hidden away rather than being on display. At times, their self-control and mental capabilities can give them the appearance of being aloof or self-righteous. Jewels seek freedom, and resent being controlled themselves. Some Jewels don't even like to wear seat-belts, because they don't like the feeling of constriction. They tend to find their freedom in abstract thinking, experiencing material reality as a prison. They abhor systems and organized structure for similar reasons (unless they themselves have created them), and have a tendency to uproot structures. They usually have a great need to be right, to interrupt and to have the final word, even to the point where they need to have the last word when saying goodbye.

Often intense, these deliberate, quietly driven people enjoy setting and attaining goals. Although they can sometimes be slow to accept new ideas they often end up leading the way once they have thoroughly analyzed the possibilities. Their excellent speaking abilities endow them with traits of persuasion and inspiration. Future oriented, with well-defined views, an attention to detail and a commanding presence, they excel as leaders, critics, teachers and scientists. Jewels are overtly quite interesting and active, and so find it superficially easier to relate to other people than do Flowers. When balanced, the mental types can contribute great clarity and wisdom to a social or work situation.

When they are very balanced, they are clear without the need for analysis, and that is the inner knowing. When they are out of balance, their thoughts start to become scattered, they become insatiably analytical and questioning, and their attention to detail can prove stifling to the realization of their highest potential.

Learning to flow with situations and to trust other people enables Jewels to better express their feelings and helps them to attain their long-term goals. Jewels who have gone too far mental can regain balance by returning to the heart.

Needing release, or someone to listen, Jewels attract emotional types for long-term relationships. But although they may desperately want to have a relationship with someone who is emotional, the Flowers they attract are inevitably slower in expression; the Jewels end up either verbally or physically interrupting them all the time, creating tension in the partnership.

Jewels are usually closer to the mother in childhood, or to an older sister, and tend to have emotional issues or problems with the father or a brother.

The conscious fears of the Jewel are a fear of criticism and a fear of losing control (or freedom). This stems partly from an uncomfortableness with their own vulnerability. They are attracted to intimacy but they also fear it. They are particularly attracted to the unknown but are afraid of actually experiencing it. Jewels tend to go looking for the experience of opening, but will stay closed to the experience while trying to have it.

Jewels tend to cling to things and ideas. In a positive expression they are good collectors, classifiers, and organizers, but when out of balance often have difficulty in letting go of old feelings, attitudes, and habits. The acquisitiveness of a Jewel includes a tendency to take on responsibilities. This is a yin, contractive, holding-on-to personality.

There is some correlation between the ancient Chinese system of acupuncture and Rayid iris types. In Jewels, the governing meridian running up the back of the body is usually quite strong, while the female meridian, running up the front, is weak. So where do Jewels have most of their physical problems? In front, with such organs as the spleen, liver and pancreas. A denial of feeling in Jewels tends to create a soft, almost flaccid body, and an inner hardening with associated digestive problems. While everyone is either a Jewel or a Flower (see Combination Structures), only about 10% of people have this pattern in its archetypal form.


Summary of Jewel Characteristics

Iris traits:

Color Flecks


Thinking, analytical, verbal, slow to change

Essence/Unique gift:

Clear, knowing


Controlled, pointed


I (1st person)


Leadership, attention to detail, clarity


Trust others, delegate, integrate, flow

Learning (subconscious):

Visual, and by association with emotions

Communication (conscious):

Verbal, using sounds and words

Family relationships:

Closer to mother/sister in childhood, problems with father/brother

Mate relationships:



Star Trek fans, future-oriented

Energy pattern/Direction:

Build energy, direct it forward

Physical characteristics:

Sharp bone structure in face, cold hands

Interruptive pattern:

Verbal overanalysis, jittery hands/feet, abrupt body movements


Primarily on their left side, with partner on their right


Letting go, criticism, intimacy, the unknown


Emotional, spacey, forgetful

Stress imbalance:

Anxious, frustrated, avoiding, loss of confidence

Transformational Pathway

Positive expression:

Control, focus, analyze, plan

If blocked, they are:

Opinionated, interruptive, avoiding

If they learn to:

Allow, flow, open

They experience:

Feeling, silence

Achieving the desired state of:

Knowing, truth

What is Rayid Flower Jewel Stream Shaker Myers-Briggs Links