What is Rayid Flower Jewel Stream Shaker Myers-Briggs Links

The Flower Type

Distinctly curved or rounded openings in the fibers of the iris indicate an emotional type of person. These openings, which look as if the light colored iris fibers have round holes within them, are called flowers, and we refer to the emotional type of person as a Flower. Feeling-oriented, they experience life through the sensitivities of the heart, with automatic emotional reactions to events.

Emotional types take life in auditorily, through sounds. They are fond of listening to music and learn most quickly when given specific auditory instructions. They communicate with imagery, emotions and gestures, and are generally animated and expressive, although introverted Flowers can be very soft and slow in social situations. When extroverted, these showy, demonstrative people use their bodies as active displays of their emotions. They can be sexy and flirtatious at a moment's notice, and then just as quickly can change their minds and move on to something else. Change is the hallmark of Flower personalities.

Flexible, spontaneous and changeable, they flow easily with social situations. Flowers are just as strong as Jewels, but express their strength in less direct ways. Exuding passion, fire and grace, Flowers generate excitement in others simply by their presence. They enjoy being on display, or even on stage, with the whole world as their audience. Overflowing with creative ideas, Flowers excel as artists, entertainers, musicians, inventors and engineers. Quick to embrace new concepts, they add vitality to any project, but may fail to see it through to completion. Living for the moment, their interest and enthusiasm often doesn't last their passion for experiencing life and tendency to overcommit can exhaust their energies.

Flowers like to be organized, but have difficulty sticking with any system for long. They tend to try out a new system for a while, believing it will improve their lives, then lose interest and go on to something else.

The great gift of the Flower is silent peace, expansiveness and a feeling of agelessness. When in balance, they are like a cool, quiet mountain lake. But when that mountain lake gets disturbed, it becomes reactive and muddy. When something goes wrong, Flowers easily become angry, blaming anyone but themselves for their misfortune. If they do blame themselves, however, they get depressed. Flowers are often in their minds, though unaware of it; when they get back into their bodies, they can experience ecstasy. When expressing their inner nature, they are poised and open, and contribute quiet calm to any social situation.

Flowers need to learn to trust themselves and their own abilities, and to accept responsibility for events. In order to fulfill their desires and success, Flowers must learn to focus their energies.

Needing control, emotional types are attracted to mental types for long term relationships. This particular combination of opposite temperaments produces relationships that are sometimes spectacular to watch.

Flowers usually prefer to be closer to the father in childhood, or to an older brother, and often have emotional issues or problems with the mother or a sister. However, their fathers are often not there for them. With most Flowers, there is a characteristic pattern of mother separation, a feeling of abandonment and anger. Superficially, Flowers seem to have no one, while Jewels have everyone. Pushed away from mother, with a father who was never really available, and with a more covert personality, the typical Flower can have a more difficult relating.

The conscious fear of the Flower is a fear of being controlled. This may manifest as a fear of drowning, of suffocation or dying of thirst. Flowers never feel complete, and usually have a profound sense of aloneness. They feel as if have been cut off from the source and experience this as a form of grief.

In Flowers, the meridian running up the back of the body tends to be weak, while the meridian running up the front is strong. They therefore tend to have problems with the back, neck, heart, gallbladder and kidneys, and enjoy having the neck, back and sometimes shoulders rubbed. Flowers also tend to burn themselves out and need periods of rest to overcome their self-induced states of exhaustion and depression. When they do take the time to be still, a kaleidoscope of inner passions fills their minds and they once again bubble forth with a newly discovered wave of enthusiasm. A denial of feeling in Flowers can create a physical hardening of the body, with associated tension, headaches and migraines.

About 10% of people have a pure Flower pattern. You will find 85% of all flowers in the mother eye (the left eye). The greater the number of flowers and the more rounded they are, the more spontaneous and emotional the individual's behavior is.

Summary of Flower Characteristics

Iris Type:


Iris traits:

Curved or rounded openings


Emotional, feeling, expressive, changeable

Essence/Unique gift:

Spatial, peaceful


Spontaneous, animated


YOU (2nd person)


Joy, vision, sociability


Trust themselves, self-control, poise, focus and direct

Learning (subconscious):


Communication (conscious):

Visual, using images and gestures

Family relationships:

Closer to father/brother, if problems, more likely with mother/sister

Mate relationships:



Music-lovers, romantic

Energy pattern/Direction:

Release energy, around

Physical characteristics:

Rounder face, hot or even sweaty hands

Interruptive pattern:

Develop a blank stare, interrupt by dispersal of energy


Primarily on their right side, with partner on their left


Abandonment separation, being controlled, suffocation


Detailed, controlling

Stress imbalance:

Angry, depressed, blaming

Transformational Pathway

Positive expression:

Open, soothing, quiet

If blocked, they tend to be:

Angry, depressed, blaming

If they learn to:

Accept, clarify, be self-responsible

They experience:

Certainty, joy

Achieving a state of:

Peace, warmth

What is Rayid Flower Jewel Stream Shaker Myers-Briggs Links